Why I Believe Narcissism Is Becoming the New Norm
I am sure there are people out there getting sick and tired of me talking about Shawn Suleiman but you know what? I’m not gonna stop using it as an example to help change the world until it does some damn bit of good.
So today I’m gonna use my situation as an example as to why narcissism is becoming the new norm.
Let’s look at what all people have done with my situation with Shawn.
1. Shawn and others, even those not associated with him, have made me out to be a liar.
2. No one spreads the truth so he can’t do it to other people.
3. I have gotten lied on by being made out that I raped and assaulted him.
4. He’s not being held accountable for his actions towards me at all in anyway.
So all of this has happened and he’s getting no consequences. What kinda of message do you think that is sending? It is sending the message that it is okay to use a person and take advantage of their feelings to get them to buy you things cause no one is going to believe the victim, people are gonna stand up for you or lie on your victim for them and you’re gonna get no consequences. You’re telling people it’s okay to run from their problems too.
And sadly in this is the age of technology where 13 year olds can use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, guess where they are getting these ideas? Say a kid saw a story like mine and even though I have posted evidence against Shawn, Shawn is still not being held accountable for what he’s done, what are telling a 13+, you’re telling them that this is okay to do. Is that really the message you want to be sending kids?
This is exactly why narcissism is becoming the new norm, our society’s failure to care about other people and giving consequences to those who do wrong, just cause someone is an adult doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be held accountable for the wrong they do. Honestly that’s the message we give kids.
Take another situation that happened to me just recently dealing with a 15 year old kid, that kid is growing up to think that others using people is okay to do as long as he gets what he wants and screw the person who gets used’s feelings on top that he’s being taught to run from his problems by people in an MMO and not deal with them and flip it on the victim, like I got lied on to this 15 year old and he refused to let me defend myself and talk to me about it. And I’m older than him and he tried to get me to get over something in his time frame and pretty much conditioned our friendship around that. I’m older than him, if I had said that at 15 to someone older than me I’d have been in a hell of a lot of trouble telling someone when to get over something cause I was taught to respect my elders. And the worst part is the guy who lied on me to him is older than both of us.
Again, any wonder narcissism is on the rise? Look at what that 15 year old is being taught. He’s being taught to run from your problems, it’s okay to use people as long as you get what you want and screw people who get hurt and try to control how long they get over it and condition your friendship around it and that lying on someone is okay as long as you are getting what you want. That kid’s on a great start to being Shawn some day. And why? Because he’s 15 years old and allowed on an MMO around adults who have no respect for others or some that have no self-respect. Shoot people older than him found out he’s 15 and still make sexual comments in front of him. I’m sitting here like, hmm, great job being role models for a 15 year old, honestly half the people in the MMO should be jailed for the sexual graphic conversations they have had in front of him. I even got put down and heard the excuse “He hears worse in school.” And? How morally corrupt are you to talk sexually in front of a 15 year old? Yeah, our future is looking great (I’m being sarcastic.)
That’s another thing we are doing is telling people don’t respect themselves, don’t demand to be respected and that they are bad for having any sense of morals or a conscience. You’re wrong for posting personal issues on the internet when the person runs from their problems and you can’t talk to them about it.
Honestly, where’s the rights for those wronged anymore these days? Why do those who do wrong have more rights then their victims?
Is it any wonder narcissism is on the rise? Look at social media and how we do victims, look at how we treat anyone with morals or a conscience. Look at how much we silence anyone who tries to say “This is not okay and this person shouldn’t get away with it.” and than ask yourself why should anyone have a conscience these days if they know no matter what they do they will suffer no repercussions for their actions?