What If the Key to World Peace is to MYOB?

Ricky James Alan Bryant
4 min readJan 28, 2020


Has anyone ever thought that the reason there is wars, diseases, mental disorders is because people just don’t mind their own business? Take me and Shawn, okay, so what if we are men, who cares? So Shawn wants to sleep around with other guys or wants to be a prostitute or whatever? All I really want out of Shawn is for him to always be there to know that if I ever die, I’ll know I’ll never be alone. I don’t care, I am content to let Shawn do whatever he wants as long as I am the one he comes home to. I just want to know that as long as Shawn is the last thing I get to see living in this world I know I will die happy.

All Shawn is wanting is know is that if he goes out I won’t flip out and care and I wouldn’t. I just want to be the one you come home to. I don’t care about anything else. That’s all I want.

I really do believe that the key to eternal happiness and eternal life is to just mind your own business, trust a person to always be there, stop caring about what others do. As long as they are happy and not physically harming you.

Is it really asking too much to be happy and know that Shawn will always be there? I don’t want to chain him. I just want to love him. I just want him to be the last I see if I ever die. And maybe the key to eternal life is eternal happiness and if knowing that Shawn is always gonna come back to me no matter what I will be happy. Is that so wrong to want? Is it so wrong to wanting to know that one person will always be there?

Isn’t that what life is all about? To be happy? So maybe instead of shaming, how about just letting the person be how they want? If I’m happy that’s what matters?

All I can say is this, all I want to know is that Shawn won’t physically abuse me, won’t tell me how to live my life, won’t try and hold me back and will always be there and will always come back? I just want to be happy loving him and I want to make Shawn happy loving him. Cause all Shawn has said is he wants loves and all I have said to Shawn is I want to give him love.

We really need to stop giving people a hard time and making things so difficult. It’s about trusting that that one person will always come back no matter what and trusting and believing them that they will and stop being our own worst enemy.

So yeah, that’s all it is people to me I don’t care what Shawn does, he could go out sleep with a bunch of guys, I don’t care as long as I’m the one he comes home to at night. I don’t care about wanting physical items. Or anything like that. I just want him to be there always for me. And if that makes me happy why do people care? I just want to know that if I go out or he goes out that he’ll come home and I’ll come home and I’ll feel safe. Is that really asking too much? If we’d stop pitting against each other and just let a person pursue their happiness instead of shaming love, no matter what its form, than there would be no death and no wars?

So really when it comes down to it, why is it wrong to want to know that Shawn will always be there and I know I won’t die alone? I wouldn’t have fear if people would just mind their own business and let me be happy my way? As long as Shawn comes back to me and I’m happy with just knowing Shawn and Shawn alone will always be there no matter what I need and will be there the day I die so I know I’ll never die. As long as I have Shawn, I’ll have all I’ll ever need.

If that is my pursuit of happiness, who am I physically harming having the comfort of knowing that I can trust that he can be there and love Shawn no matter what. All I am asking Shawn is to give me that, that no matter what, if I need a shoulder to cry on, if I need someone to talk to, to just know will comfort me no matter what? If Shawn’s the person I want to always be there and I’ll be happy, that’s all I want. Is to know he’ll always be there and to show he will. I have what he wants and he has what I want. He want’s someone to love him and I want to love him. That’s all I want is to know he’ll always be there. If Shawn could always be there no matter, I don’t care about material things, I’m okay. I’m tired of the over complications. It’s not about giving each other what they want and not seeing it is there as plain as the nose on their faces. All I want from Shawn that he will always be there and I’m happy. Isn’t that love? Isn’t that happiness? To have one person who will always be there?

So what my question is is this: What do you care what a person is doing? If I am with Shawn and he’s sleeping with someone that isn’t me, you don’t need to come to me and tell me and think I’ll be jealous or should be hurt? Why should I care what he does if all I want is for him to come home to me? All that matters to me is I love him and he’s grown and can do what he wants. I don’t want to control him, I just want to love him.



Ricky James Alan Bryant
Ricky James Alan Bryant

Written by Ricky James Alan Bryant

Fighting against homophobia and social injustice.

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