Tired of Excuses

Ricky James Alan Bryant
5 min readSep 7, 2019


I am so sick and tired of people finding any excuse to make something wrong okay, from my situation with Shawn Suleiman to homophobia, racism and even gun violence. Three out of the four I mentioned are costing people their lives and you’d think for the safety of children that’d open the discussion of putting an end to these problems.


Everyday an LGBT+youth is pushed to considering suicide because of homophobic bullying at school and what do you think these LGBT+ kids are told by their parents, friends and therapist? Probably the same thing I was and am still being told to do, as a gay man, to ignore and do nothing about it and yet that’s not an easy thing for a minor to do when that bullying is making them isolated from their other peers because the other children fear being picked on and being considered gay themselves, as if that’s something to be ashamed of, or the bullies are being physically violent, an act that you can’t ignore at all, how you suppose to ignore a fist in your face?

On top of that it has been stated that hate crimes against LGBT have been on the rise. How long before murders start happening? It’s only a matter of time.

My mother’s homophobic husband is empowered as he currently appears right because he said I wouldn’t end up with Shawn Suleiman because his deity “doesn’t approve of homosexual relationships” and people have made excuses for him appear right and to make that okay when it should bother people as hatred is taught on to our youth. Why do you think kids get bullied? How long we gonna turn a blind eye to hate speech and homophobes appearing right? How many LGBT+ youth have to commit suicide before people realize doing nothing and letting homophobes appear right isn’t the answer, and honestly don’t use their religious rights to believe as they wish as an excuse, that was the same bs that was used to make slavery okay and still gets used to justify racism. It’s only a matter of time before mass shootings happen to LGBT+ again like we had at the Pulse.


Honestly, this surprises me that people make excuses to do nothing and let people be racist and only go as far as trying to get these people fired from their jobs as if that’s going to stop them from being racist when we got racism within our own justice system and on the police forces. Look how many people of color are sitting in jail longer than most white men for possession of a drug such as marijuana or how police officers go and shoot a person of color almost instantly or tackle them compared to how they do a white person, how often you hear about an officer just randomly shooting a white man or woman that they had pulled over? Not a lot cause it doesn’t happen as often as it does to people of color and let’s not get started on the mass shooting in El Paso where a white nationalist drove 650 miles to a Walmart to shoot people who are Latino. How much injustices and lives lost do people of color have to suffer before people realize excuses and doing nothing isn’t stopping racism?


And here we go with the one issue we need to discuss the excuse for American citizens to own weapons of war like the AR-15s that have been getting used recently in the mass shootings we have been having, a person isn’t safe going to the mall, church, a convenient store, a concert, a video game convention or anything without fear of being shot at! And on top of that you got people like Meghan McCain making threats of violence if AR-15s are banned, proving there is no such thing as a good law abiding gun owner if you’re going to resort to violence cause one particular type of gun was banned from being owned. The major excuse by gun freaks like McCain is the Second Amendment which was added to the Constitution, along with the other 9 Amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, in 1789 when they didn’t have the guns we have now. Back when the Bill of Rights was written and the Second Amendment was added to the Constitution they had single shot muskets and pistols that you had to reload after each shot. No one is saying take all guns away just guns that are being used in the mass shootings, we can’t stop or contain gun violence all together because a person is gonna do it if they have the will but honestly the US is one of the most lax on gun laws then any other country in the world, you don’t hear of gun violence and mass shootings from Australia or Britain or Germany, etc. and why? Cause they have gun laws that the US needs to implement but you got right wing nutjobs like Meghan McCain who value their guns and make excuses more than human life and honestly I have no desire to care for anything people like that have to say. Honestly ABC should fire McCain from The View after that threat but I highly doubt they will.


Honestly, I am straight up sick and tired of the excuses we make for any and ever wrong, people even make excuses for Shawn’s wrong that he’s doing to me. It is getting out of control and putting lives in danger, I’m gay, half Puerto Rican and disabled. I live in constant fear to the point I stay at home and rarely go out because I fear being in the wrong place at the wrong time or someone just seeing the color of my skin and deciding to shoot me or whatever, and I can’t help sitting here wondering how long before it starts happening to LGBT+? I shouldn’t have to live in fear like this and while I’m sure there won’t be an end to gun violence cause even with better gun control laws that threat of gun violence is still going to be there cause of racism and anti-LGBT+ people due to hateful words which eventually turn to violence. I am so tired of these people’s rights being more important then a person’s right to live and be safe and not have to fear while being out in public. No person should have to live like that but as long as nothing is being done this is the life of many minorities in our current state.



Ricky James Alan Bryant
Ricky James Alan Bryant

Written by Ricky James Alan Bryant

Fighting against homophobia and social injustice.

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