No, Kavanaugh Is Not Reformed!
I was watching this interview on The View and I have to say people are way too forgiving or just plain stupid. If the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are true than his denying it means he is not reformed, he has not changed and he is no champion for women.
Lying about and denying the wrong you have done and flipping it on the victim only makes the pain of what has been done them worse because you’re calling them a liar and putting the blame on them and not only that but if people actually believe your lies you are putting the victim in danger of being hounded and harassed over that lie and that does not help either.
Any person, Kavanaugh or anyone else, who has wronged a person and then turns around and denies it and blames the victims is not reformed as they do not care about their victims and the additional harm they are causing them by their denial.