Meeting on Facebook

Ricky James Alan Bryant
8 min readAug 28, 2020


This story is a work of fiction. Any bases on actual events or personal experiences is mere coincidence.

Devan was a 18 year old man, he had just decided to try out pup play and meet other pups. He didn’t know what to expect or how things would go but really all he wanted was to meet others who were into the same thing he was.

So Devan created a Facebook account under his pup persona, Roy, and he then joined some Facebook groups revolving around pup play. Devan always tried to speak his mind on his Facebook. Being a pup made him feel more braver, like he could hide behind the anonymity of his pup persona and be his true self.

Soon Devan saw a post by one of his friends, Andrew, talking about how he had been stood up and when the friend went live he joined in to check up on the person. Devan could see the pain the Andrew was going through, Devan had known such pain before. He saw others telling Andrew he needed to move on but Devan knew that’s not what this person needed to hear. So Devan spoke up. He encouraged Andrew that it was okay to feel as he did, if he still loved the guy it wasn’t wrong or anything, no one could tell him he was and that it was okay to be upset.

Soon Devan and Andrew became fast friends, they talked all the time and Andrew asked Devan to be his pup and told Andrew he was an alpha. Now Devan had never wanted an alpha or to be that deeply involved into pup play cause he felt it just wasn’t his thing, but he didn’t want to hurt his new friend so he said yes. And so Andrew invited Devan to join his pack’s Messenger group chat and Devan did and was soon one of the admins.

However, not long after that, Andrew got back with his ex, the two had patched things up but Devan didn’t care for the guy. He didn’t think it was right to have stood Andrew up and keep it lingering by not talking to him for days and when the guy said “I did nothing wrong.” Devan became even more suspicious. “Honestly, why can’t people just own what they do?” Devan thought to himself. He kept wondering what excuses he had made to Andrew for Andrew to take him back but Devan stayed out of it cause he felt it wasn’t his place.

Then the guy walked out on Andrew. Devan was heartbroken for his new friend. One of Andrew’s other friends even yelled at Devan for not speaking up to Andrew when he became suspicious of Andrew’s boyfriend. Devan though to himself, “Well fuck, I can’t win. I stay out of it I’m bad. I thought it was wrong to get involved?”

Not long after this Andrew met another guy. Devan by this time had kinda formed a crush on Andrew but it didn’t bother him cause Andrew was in a different country and so the two of them becoming a thing probably wouldn’t happen in a million years. But Andrew then drug Devan into a bunch of drama, coming to him telling him that his ex was back and talking to him, he showed Devan what was being said and Devan just didn’t know what to think. He didn’t think Andrew should get back with the guy, even though Andrew based on the conversations was making it sound like he wanted to but was hesitant and was talking of doing sexual acts with his ex.

Devan didn’t know what to do, at this point everyone knew about him and Andrew and how loyal and protective Devan was of him, but Andrew told another person about it so Devan started talking to that guy about it and they decided Devan should say something to Andrew’s new boyfriend.

So Devan asked Andrew’s boyfriend not to say anything and the guy gave him his word and so Devan showed him the conversations. Devan didn’t like betraying his alpha’s trust by doing this but he didn’t think it was right to keep this guy in the dark either. Devan couldn’t get a hold of Andrew and try to talk to him to make sure he was alright and try to figure out what was up.

He talked Andrew’s boyfriend trying to get him to drop his handler after Andrew’s handler dropped him, Devan thought Andrew’s boyfriend was being very disloyal to Andrew while he kept sitting there telling Devan he wanted to be with Andrew but refused to drop the handler who dropped his boyfriend.

Andrew’s boyfriend informed him he was in voice chat with the handler. The next thing Devan knew the handler was blasting Andrew to the admins of the pack and falsely telling them that Andrew was getting back with his ex. Devan was furious. Devan had always been raised to believe two wrongs don’t make a right so he felt this was way too far of the guy to flat out lie on someone. Andrew’s boyfriend however seemed to disagree and told Devan to drop it. Devan started disliking the whole situation. It felt like he couldn’t defend his alpha and friend and Andrew’s boyfriend didn’t give two shits about him. Devan felt inside if he defended Andrew, the boyfriend would kick him and lie to Andrew and so he left the pack and started showing others he was friends screenshots and telling them what was happening. All of them thought the situation was messed up.

And soon after Andrew came out of hiding and said he was trying to set his ex up. Devan soon found out that Andrew’s boyfriend had lied to him and had shown Andrew the conversations. Devan was angry. He didn’t like being lied to. His kindness didn’t deserve that kind of disrespect. Low and behold had he not when the ex went to start things the next day Andrew’s boyfriend had already been forewarned. Devan tried to see the silver lining of things but he was really distrustful of Andrew’s boyfriend after that but he played nice.

Soon afterwards Devan thought all the drama was over until some guy named Archie Guy started messaging him asking him about Andrew and if he was gonna move up there with him. Devan didn’t have any faint idea what this guy was talking about. Then Archie began talking down about Andrew saying he wasn’t fit to be an alpha and that he ran across Andrew and had followed him around monitoring his behavior. Devan was completely freaked out by this and told Archie to leave Andrew alone. But he knew Andrew needed to be informed of this but Andrew was out of data.

So Devan did the only thing he could think to do. He went to Andrew’s boyfriend and showed him what was being said. Andrew’s boyfriend said he’d tell Andrew what was going on. Devan was freaking out though, he didn’t know why. Hearing someone had stalked Andrew was really freaking him out. Why though? They were just friends and an alpha and pup. Devan soon started realizing he had fallen in love with Andrew without meaning to.

Devan didn’t like this situation, he didn’t want to be in love with another person again, he had been hurt way too many times before, but Devan would have to wait and talk to Andrew, he really wanted to be sure he knew about the guy stalking him cause he didn’t trust Andrew’s boyfriend to tell him, Devan could tell Andrew’s boyfriend was more about what he could get out of Andrew than actually loving him. So as soon as he was able to get a hold of Andrew he told Andrew everything. Andrew was currently with his boyfriend, and it disturbed Devan that he had not been told about the stalking.

When Andrew finally told Devan why he’d not been told, Devan was disgusted. Andrew’s boyfriend had given Andrew the excuse that Andrew would be put off meeting him. Really? The guy was more worried about his dick than Andrew’s safety? Devan just couldn’t believe any of this.

Then Andrew told Devan he wasn’t getting the money he was owed and was getting kicked out of his place and was moving in with his boyfriend, Devan thought this was too much, he tried to convince Andrew not to do so because Devan knew deep down that wasn’t a good idea cause he could see the guy for who he truly was. But Andrew didn’t want to listen. He then blocked Devan and then Devan’s friends told him that Andrew had went live and told everyone he had done so and lied to everyone. He told them that Devan was being jealous and trying to stop him from being with his boyfriend.

Devan was devastated. He couldn’t believe Andrew would do that to him. After all Devan had done for Andrew trying to protect him, even admitting to his feelings for him, Andrew had chosen this jerk and lied on him just to be with the guy. Devan was just ready to give up on being a pup, he didn’t ever think this was gonna happen.

But soon him and Andrew talked again but Devan still was unable to say anything, Andrew wouldn’t listen. Andrew honestly believed that Devan was doing all this out of jealous. It broke Devan to his core. How could Andrew honestly believe that?

Then a few months later, Andrew drunk sends Devan nudes and talks about them being sexual together. Devan was like okay. They were still alpha and pup and Devan was still new to the whole pup experience, he figured this was normal, that an alpha had a pup on the side while in a relationship, he didn’t really care. Devan at this point in his life didn’t want a relationship with anyone, especially if they require you to lie on someone to be in one. He was okay with the whole friends with benefit idea.

But then Andrew turned around two days later and gave Devan an ultimatum telling him he needed to accept that he was in a relationship with his soon to be husband, as the two were engaged at this point and Devan just kept thinking to himself, what the fuck?

Devan really didn’t understand any of this, why should he accept a relationship that started out with him being lied on? Wasn’t the fact he was still around even though many would have dropped Andrew after all this not enough for Andrew to just back off him and let him rightfully despise the relationship? Devan just kept thinking, who with anyone sense of moral would up and approve of such a relationship that started off with them lying on someone?

Devan was starting to feel like he was just being toyed with. He didn’t mind having a physical alpha-pup relationship with Andrew but continuously making him out as jealous and trying to force him to be okay with a sick relationship that has to lie on someone is a bit too much to ask of someone you claim is your pup. Course what alpha lies on their pup and then doesn’t later admit it to everyone either after they make up?

But Devan just sits there waiting out of loyalty for the alpha he once knew and his best friend to come back. Like any pup who truly loves and cares for an owner who possibly abandoned them, Devan just sits there waiting and hoping some day his patience will be rewarded and his best friend would come back.

Will it ever happen? It’s anyone’s guess.



Ricky James Alan Bryant
Ricky James Alan Bryant

Written by Ricky James Alan Bryant

Fighting against homophobia and social injustice.

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