Discrimination is Discrimination
Something Joy Reid said the other day on MSNBC about Pete Buttigeig seems to be very homophobic coming from a person of color and I speak as a person of color who is three minorities, I’m a gay man, I am Latino (half Puerto Rican) and I suffer from two mental disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome and CPTSD.
Joy does not have a clean record when it comes to her homophobic ways, being caught in 2017 posting homophobic blog post, Joy gave a half-baked apology continuing to claim that she did not write the post even after no hack was found and she ends up apologizing again in June 2018 when more post were found and while she did not blame hackers this time, damage was done.
It really does seem to me that Joy Reid may have a bit of a homophobic problem, cause when it comes to the Democratic presidential candidates, she singled out Pete Buttigieg, claiming that he cannot relate to the people of color because he is a white man.
Like people of color, LGBT+ are discriminated against in the same ways, we are murdered, we are bullied, we are fired from our jobs over our orientation or gender identity, though you don’t often hear about a person of color being fired over the color of their skin these days, not saying it doesn’t happen or hasn’t but it’s not been reported a lot recently. I’m not trying to downgrade racism but as Whoopi Goldberg said on The View: “Either we’re protecting those who need protection as we discover them or we’re not and none of us are protected.”
Now I agree with Whoopi and to down play the fact that a white gay man cannot relate to people of color to me is homophobic. Discrimination is discrimination, if you are being a bigot towards a person who isn’t a white Christian straight male with no mental disorder, you are discriminating against that person, end of discussion.
I am so sick of living in a world where wrongs aren’t treated equally, we are doing it for so much and it’s happening when it comes to forms of discrimination and all that is going to do and to make comments like Joy Reid did is only going to divide our country further.
To Joy Reid and others who share her homophobic view please take Whoopi Goldberg’s words to heart. And to Joy, back off Pete Buttigieg, I don’t know what your obsession with taking down someone who is gay or you assume is gay but you need to watch what you say.
I want to repeat Whoopi’s beautiful words:
“Either we’re protecting those who need protection as we discover them or we’re not and none of us are protected.”
It is sad to see how much more divided we are becoming and how people do not want to treat all forms of discrimination equally and as Whoopi said, that’s “a slippery slope.”