Christian Hypocrisy Towards Homosexuality
So I wanna take a moment to talk about some of the illogical and hypocritical actions that Christians do yet still want to come down on people who are LGBT+.
What is Sin?
First I wanna talk about the meaning of the word sin which according to Webster means
1a : an offense against religious or moral law
b : an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible // it’s a sin to waste food
c : an often serious shortcoming : fault
2a : transgression of the law of God
b : a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God
Now for me I take sin to mean an unloving and immoral act against your fellow humans and the Christians deity but I base that off the Christian and Jewish 10 Commandments all of which are acts against the Christian deity and your fellow human beings. So to me pretty much anything you do that is morally wrong or unloving is a sin.
I bring this up cause while I do not use the word sin in my vocabulary as a non-believer when I say “wrong” I am pointing to the word sin all though I will be quoting a Bible verse that does use the word sin in it so when you see the word wrong remember I am point to the Christian term of “sin”.
Not Getting Involved in Other People’s Problems
Now according to the Christian Bible Christians are suppose to get involved in another person’s problems when the person is wronged. This is according to Matthew 18:15–17 (NIV) states:
15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
Pretty much this is a very clear message to Christians to stand up to wrong and those who do wrong and tell them and if not to shun them until they get it. Something that Christians do not do anymore, they tell you to let it go and that is all part of their deity’s “plan” though they claim that their deity doesn’t plan sin, something illogical I’ll get into later.
Passing Judgement
Now according to John 8:7 (NIV) it clearly states:
“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
This statement is a very clear about not passing judgement on your fellow man by condemning them much as Christians sit there and condemn homosexuals by telling them they will “go to Hell.” Other forms of judgment is assuming that people will react the same or will handle a situation the same way then turning around and putting them down when they refuse to.
No Christian is without sin and just because they get “saved” does not mean they are no longer without sin so no Christian has a right to pass judgement.
Illogic and Contradictions
Some of the illogical stuff Christians do is as I pointed out earlier is claiming that when something wrong happens in a person’s life it’s all part of their deity’s grand “plan” for that person’s life when they make claims that their deity does not plan sin. This is a very obvious contradiction that makes no logical sense. If their deity doesn’t plan sin than how can when you are wronged that is part of a grand plan that the deity has? That makes no logical sense, either the deity plans sin or it doesn’t. One or the other.
Another illogical things Christians do that contradicts themselves is telling people to let someone get away with their wrong and using the line of “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39 NIV) as a means to say sit there and be abused or let people get away with wronging you. If you take this full verse into context of the story told which goes (from Matthew 5:38–40 NIV):
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.
Now in the actual context the line is meant to say don’t be vindictive by trying to get back at someone by doing the same wrong to them but as I pointed out earlier that later on after this the Christian messiah commanded to call out wrongdoers for their wrong. Going based on logic, the Christian messiah is clearly stating do not be vindictive and try to get a person back instead show them love and kindness but also call out their wrong for what it is.
Let me give a prime example of where I am going with this. Say a person is in a physically abusive relationship no true person of moral and no true Christian would say that the victim should stay in the relationship nor would they say that person who is physically harming another human being should get away with this act. Now if their claim about wrongful acts are equal in the eyes of their deity than any wrong that is done no person should just sit there and take nor should they allow that person to get away with such a wrong. So it makes no logical sense why any person should be allowed to get away with their wrong, whatever it is and that a person should sit there and take it.
In Conclusion
So the fact that Christians cannot follow their own basic guidelines based upon their messiah who commanded them they are very hypocritical and contradictory to their own beliefs, eg. if a person goes out and uses another human being, this is considered immoral and so based on their own deity’s command they are to confront that person when the victim comes to them and tells them they tried and the person refused to listen and yet they do not do this. They also make massive illogical stances that contradict their own beliefs.
Hypocrisy, according to (a Christian based website that answers Biblical questions), is a sin and something that the Christian messiah spoke out quite a bit on. If they cannot follow their own commands by their messiah or follow the rules of their beliefs they are a hypocrite.
So any Christian who does this, any at all, they have no moral ground to sit there and condemn the LGBT+ community and try to take our rights away when they themselves are flawed and hypocritical. It is hypocritical for them to do so.
Granted for me I find the Christian Bible to be nothing more than a book of moral guidelines, some of which are good, some of which are utterly ridiculous that was thrown out by the Christian messiah, such as not eating hoofed animals or lobster or whatever.
The truth is when it comes down to it no Christian is morally right to come down on the LGBT+ community when they are so hypocritical and contradictory. We are all flawed and imperfect so they need to just let people love who they want to love cause in the grand scheme of things love is the main message of the Christian faith.