A Letter to J.K. Rowling
Dear J.K. Rowling,
It is sad to see an author who’s books I grew up reading attack the transgender community with so much blatant transphobia and not admit to it
You used your sexual assault, which I am not making light of, to play the same card that homophobic people have done towards gay men for years and still continue to do. You made transpeople out to be sexual predators just as gay men have been called “pedophiles”.
It is people like you as to why my physically and mentally handicapped brother is discriminated against. There was a store that told my mother she could not take my brother into the women’s bathroom at the front of the store and told her to use the family bathroom at the back of the store. What you are doing and saying about transpeople is wrong.
I am ashamed to call myself a Harry Potter/Wizarding World fan. I am a gay man and your continual attacks on the transgender community makes me question whether you truly do support gays, lesbians and bisexuals as attacks on transgenders is an attack on gays, lesbians and bisexuals. We are the LGBT+ community for a reason, do you not understand what the T in LGBT+ stands for? It stands for transgender.
You are attacking a community you claim you support and all your fans that are gay, lesbian or bisexual should also question the sincerity of your support of us.
A disheartened fan,
Enrique Manuel Flores III